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Sun, 08 Aug


Online via Zoom

Unity Consciousness Collective - Initiate Temple

Awaken - Activate - Align - 21 day transformation temple for beautiful souls attuning to the new paradigm!

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Unity Consciousness Collective - Initiate Temple
Unity Consciousness Collective - Initiate Temple

Time & Location

08 Aug 2021, 7:00 pm AEST – 29 Aug 2021, 9:00 pm AEST

Online via Zoom

About the event

We are all one, united through light & ignited through love...

This 21 day transformation will align you to your inner wisdom so you can become your own guide! Be held in sacred space whilst you develop trust in your own ability to navigate your life so that you make choices that are optimal for yourself and the collective. Flow with freedom and enjoy what it means to be alive. Resonate with higher vibrational fields so that you are drawing experiences you desire in life. It's all possible with a few key awareness that will open doors to the new paradigm.  

During our temple time, we delve into the science of intuitive intellegence, quantum and metaphysics, which explain why and how intuition works and is available to everybody, once the blocks of doubt and self sabotage are dissolved. We explore the energetics of the heart, the seat of the soul and bridge to the multidimensions. Ground into stillness and expand into your own presence as gatekeeper of your unlimited potential. Discover what else is possible!

Embody the laws of the universe to expand your consciousness, activate with your higher purpose and align your body, mind and spirit. Truth is that there is no separation and we've been trapped in our conditioning to keep us in the dark and stuck detatched from our own energetic system. Our subconscious has become the basement where we attempt to hide everything that we pretend hasn't happened or isn't going on in our minds.... this becomes the energy we put out into the world. 

Best part is that once aware, we do have a choice to play life differently!

Whether we are aware of it or not, our behaviour is run by our unconscious patterns and programmes. It's time to draw a line in the sand, allow ourselves the time to be free and discover the truth of who we really are. It is not necessary to be hiding in our shadows and by their very nature, once in the light, transformation occurs. Holding any disharmony in a higer vibrational field allows the greater reality of what is, to become conscious and in that moment, transcends the boundaries into the new way of being. Shifting from fear to love is all that is required <3

Transformation overview - 

8/8 (Lions Gate) - Opening Ceremony

Week 1 - Mon, Wed & Friday - Awaken - your awareness of the greater reality

Week 2 - Mon, Wed & Friday - Activate - your innate wisdom and connect to your truth

Week 3 - Mon, Wed & Friday - Align - your higher being and find unity with all that is

29/8 - Closing Ceremony

Daily Meditation Practices that build onto each other 

Bonus live online group circles 1 month and 3 months after the initial journey

Private intuitive guidance journey with Dr Niikee, to help clear barriers and support your expansion

 ** The 3 main teachings for each week (approx 1 hour) are pre-recorded and made available on their weekend prior so you can view whenever it suits you. Daily meditations are available so you can create your temple space for any time that will suit you to move towards creating a regular practice. The 3 live weekly circles (7-9pm AEST) include a satsang on the sessions teachings, along with practices and processes, the chance to connect and share with each other as we move through our stuck patterns and transform into the new paradigm. The group processes are a powerful way to effect change together.... after all there is only one of us here the Unity Collective ;) **

All group sessions (aside from the personal sharings) are recorded and uploaded onto your online Unity Collective Portal, along with the daily and practice meditations, processes, readings and other resources, discussion forum and Q & A support, so you can access these at any time and into the future too! 

Curricula Outline

Week 1 - Awaken your underlying knowledge of the science and philosophy of unity consciousness

   * How energy exists and creates interconnectedness

   * Cultivating stillness to amplify the different types of intuition

   * Energetics of the heart and science of the nervous system, creating the right environment for connection

Week 2 - Activate your awareness to the unifying principals of the universe, the 3 immutable laws

   * Law of mentalism & the holographic field in which we create

   * Law of correspondence, spiritual self -esteem & shadow archetypes

   * Law of vibration, consciousness engineering & manifestation

Week 3 - Align to your higher consciousness and live your inner wisdom

   * Protection, discernment and energetic frequencies

   * Transforming shadows, our subconscious basement & finding freedom 

   * Spiritual sight & moving from the 3D into a 5D reality

Payment Plans Available when paid in full by the end of the programme.

Reach out with any questions or if you'd like for me to save you a space? 

Numbers are limited to only 12 participants to maintain the container for unity and support :)

What other's have said about Dr Niikee's Initiate Temple Teachings - 

Wow, what a journey! One of discovery, tears, insight, joy and practical activities for use in everyday life. I first registered for the programme because it sounded intriguing, and magically appeared at a time where I was searching for the next elevation. It turned out to be so much more than that! Dr Niikee is a talented, knowledgeable and enthusiastic teacher who gives her all for her students. Her abilities and expertise bring a scientific, practical application to metaphysical phenomenon. Her humility and compassion are unmatched … I was sad to reach the final class. I would do it all over again! Attending this course really is most the informative, interactive, enlightening and empowering choice anyone could make. Suzanne C

If you are ready to go beyond day to day circumstances and restrictions that are felt on the 3D earthly plane, there is no one better to begin / continue this journey with, than Niikee. She is such a transparent, real and  enthusiastic leader, who enables you to grow in knowledge and light - feeling that this is exactly where I am meant to be. Niikee reinforces the love that connects us all and how safe it is to explore and feel this, way beyond the hear and now. I am still in the process - have completed a second 21 days and will stay with “Deep Stillness’ for another week, before beginning the 21 days again. I am receiving a depth of revelation of myself that allowing me to identify untruths With an understanding of where they are coming from, and so able to free myself from the unrehearsed feelings and emotions that are associated with different aspects of my current life and reactions to things. Janice

Your Energy is fantastic and  during these sessions and in between,  I can tell you that I felt supported, assisted  and loved!

Thank you so much for your concern, your kindness, your passion, your wisdom,  the high quality of your online workshop, and again your infinite Love! Your enthusiasm, your encouragement and recommendations helped me to let go some habits and review the priorities!  "Busy busy busy" could be my middle name sometimes!  But  your recommendations allowed  me a new click!  "Meditate first! «  It takes a lot of effort to change my  priorities, but afterwards I feel nourished and full of Love and I would like to stay there sitting on my cushion for hours! I also feel full of gratitude; because of you, I allowed myself to listen again, and reopen the door of the temple of my soul, of my heart. All my love to you. Nadia

I loved Dr Niikee's dedication to presenting such a comprehensive course it was just so much better than anything I could have imagined. As we progressed through each lesson I could slowly feel myself change on deeper levels. A feeling of coming home. Initially, I was wondering whether or not to do the course, thinking the commitment might be too much. This training kept coming to my attention and I'm so pleased I finally took notice of the messages I was being sent! Sandra

Although I was a bit overwhelmed at first about the time commitment to undertake the course within the intensive three week period, I found that the shorter timeframe with more regular interactions actually had quite an amazing effect on my experiences and the transformations that occurred.  Through the teachings, daily meditation practices and group processes led by Dr Niikee, I started the process of looking within, tuning in to intuition, and most amazingly of all, I am now starting to shift and release long held subconscious emotional energy blockages which were causing many issues both with my physical and mental health.  I’ve also learnt that by releasing my own blockages and subsequently raising my frequency, I am actually raising the frequency for all beings, which is something that I feel very happy about. Joanna

I just wanted to say how much I am enjoying your course, so interesting and fascinating.  The practice's are really helping me alot with my intuition, I'm already seeing a difference and writing everything down whenever I get message's or insights.

I haven't been able to catch the all the live lessons with you but am up to date on all the recordings and getting so much from it.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here and seeing the benefit from this. I can't wait for the next lesson. Caroline 

I love any work with Dr. Niikee.  The UCC Course was such a beautiful experience and just so beneficial.  So many changes have come into my life since the course and all of them good!  I feel so incredibly grateful for the teachings, the meditation practices and the beautiful collective that I worked with through the course.  The course formed the start of my daily meditation practice and the benefits of this are endless.  The deep transformation in me was a peacefulness about my whole day and an ability to let things go and learning the benefits of going with the flow throughout any situation.  There is a boundless joy that I experience throughout each day.  Things that used to be a bother have fallen away and I feel more able to be peaceful within the storms of life now. Thank you Dr Niikee! Belinda

Niikee creates intelligent and accessible content in her course modules, which have a natural flow even though including at times quite different concepts to what I would be normally used to.  Niikee discusses the teachings clearly and provides wonderful, down to earth examples which really helped me to consolidate the teachings in my mind.  She shows her participants her devotion to the role of teacher and facilitator openly and lovingly, and creates a beautiful online environment where all participants feel safe and secure enough to open up and share.  All in all, simply an amazing and life changing experience for me, thank you Niikee. Jo


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