I am a Temple Mystic, Wisdom Teacher, and Medicine Woman with nearly 30 years of experience in energy healing, naturopathic and clinical medicine, academic research and education.
Over the decades, I’ve had the privilege of helping countless women like you—whether healers or spiritual seekers—awaken to their true gifts and aligned purpose while empowering them to guide others in their world to do the same.
My expertise lies in guiding you to transcend past limitations, identify with your soul's truth, and walk forward onto your highest path ahead, enlightened by the Grace that you already are.
Through channeling Divine Wisdom and working with Ascended Masters and other Higher Realm Guides, I share clarity, healing, and transformation to help you live the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Are you ready to be free from the past imprints so you can live your life with clarity, joy and vitality?